Theatrical concert experiences, celebrating the rich history of popular music...
While working for years as an actor in the Canadian theatre industry, Jeff found his abilities as a multi-instrumentalist useful, as he was often cast in roles requiring the actor to play instruments live on stage. This trend culminated in Jeff being offered the role of Buddy Holly in the smash-hit rock & roll musical Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story. Called “perfectly-cast”, “charismatic” and “a musical dynamo” by numerous sources, including the CBC, the role of Buddy seemed tailor-made for Jeff, and he would revisit the part again and again across Canada, earning standing ovations and critical praise for every production.
In the years since, Jeff has maintained a steady schedule of performances—both locally and internationally—paying tribute to the legacy of such artists as Buddy Holly, Ricky Nelson, Paul Anka, The Everly Brothers, Simon & Garfunkle, the Beach Boys, and many more, via partnerships with the world famous Legends of Rock and Roll, powerhouse Canadian producer Bill Culp Productions, and Bernhard Kurz’s Stars In Concert, operating out of the Estrel in Berlin, Germany: Europe’s largest entertainment, convention, and hotel complex.